Welcome to the 75th edition of the Rational Cloning Newsletter (Weekly Ideas Series).
Helping you discover the best ideas of others.
Happy cloning.
Tweets That Make You Go… Hmm 🤔
Silicon Valley Bank is imploding before our eyes
here is how SVB threw 50 years of goodwill and $80 billion down the drain in just 30 hours
“$175bb in deposits, 93% uninsured. This is going to have some serious ramifications.” Forget the near-cash… now it’s cash becoming non-cash. How much got out, and who got it out, can very well determine who lives and dies in the startup scene.
Michael Green @profplum99
Musings of the Day, 3/10/23:
Interesting reaction today in DXY, Bonds, Gold.
Mkt seems to be saying this $SIVB banking scare is going to lead to a SYSTEMIC banking crisis, which would in turn lead to the Fed stopping in its tracks.
I am NOT buying into this.
Folks, I've been saying this a long time.
STRUCTURAL INFLATION changes the calculus from one in which ZOMBIE COS can stay alive for long periods of time to a regime where they get a spike in the head.
Absent full-blown contagion, don't be so sure the Fed rescues everyone.… https://t.co/nAYgFcZE3u
Michael Kao @UrbanKaoboy
"At the end of the day the world is massively short energy. And the most effective form of energy to solve that problem is US natural gas." ft.com/content/bd6460…
Goehring & Rozencwajg Investor Letters are a MUST-READ for any Natural Resource Investor.
They cover everything from oil to natural gas, base and precious metals, and agriculture.
Here's a thread on the most important insights from their Q4 Investor Letter ... 🧵
Random Musings: The Winner Effect
- The 'winner effect' is a term used in biology to describe how an animal that has won a few fights against weak opponents is much more likely to win later bouts against stronger contenders.
Check out previous issues of Weekly Ideas👇
The Rational Cloner’s Library
Mosaic Musings #2: Disinflation → Inflation Inflection Point?
Mosaic Musings #3: Royalty Companies: Inflation, I win; Disinflation, I Don’t Lose Much.